Why would you like to edit an existing Area of Responsibility (GIS) ?

When you collect (geospatial) data in a project area and the project boundaries change, you should update your Area of Responsibility map layer. You might also want to change your Area of Responsibility to be more detailed to represent the boundaries of your project better, or less detailed when you want to save on storage space.

How to edit an Area of Responsibility.

1. Navigate to https://geojson.io/

2. Open the file you want to edit.

3. Use one of the buttons highlighted in the image below to alter your object. The options are to edit layers or delete layers.

4. Click the edit layers button. The corners (vertices) of the polygon become visible on the map. Each corner is represented by a pair of coordinates as shown in the JSON representation on the right side of the screen.

5. Click and drag a corner (or vertex) to move it to a new location.

6. Click on a transparent circle to add a new corner (vertex). To remove an existing corner (vertex), click on it once.

7. Click save next to the edit layers button to save your updates.

8. The final step is to download your object so that you can share it and/or load it into a (geospatial) software.
Select GeoJSON from the Save-menu on the top left of the map to save the map layer. 

9. You find the map layer in your download folder on your computer. It has the name map.geojson

Rename it into AoR.geojson. 

10. Send the file to hello@sensingclues.org (include your name and that of your organisation) or upload the file to your personal geo-json folder at the Sensing Clues Upload Service.