Why would you like to create a geospatial representation of subregions?

When your project area consists of several sections with different characteristics, you can create a polygon for each subarea which are stored together in one map layer. 

Examples of inner-sections:

* administrative boundaries, such as counties, regions, provinces etc.

* differences in ownership

* differences in land-use or management regimes

* different habitats or biozones etc.


How to create a geospatial representation of subregions.

1. Navigate to https://geojson.io/

2. Draw several polygons on the map. See this article for instructions on drawing a polygon.

3. Click on the Table tab on the top right of the screen.

4. Click on new column and name it NAME (in singular form, all in capitals). This is a Sensing Clues standard for geospatial objects that represent subregions.

5. In the table that has appeared, click on one of the rows and the map will zoom to the matching polygon.

6. Fill in a value for each of the rows.

7. Go back to the JSON tab. You can find the added information behind properties.

8. The final step is to download your object so that you can share it and/or load it into a (geospatial) software.
Select GeoJSON from the Save-menu on the top left of the map to save the map layer.

9. You find the map layer in your download folder on your computer. It has the name map.geojson

Please give it a more descriptive file name. 

10. Send the file to hello@sensingclues.org (include your name and that of your organisation) or upload the file to your personal geo-json folder at the Sensing Clues Upload Service.