For new features we use the following release schedules:
The exact availability of a Cluey release depends on the Google Appstore release process.
Users can decide themselves when to install the new Cluey release from the Google Playstore.
Monday & Wednesday between 16:30-17:30 CET
It is possible that the WildCAT applications are unavailable during these time slots.
New concepts
Every weekend
New concepts will be added during the weekenare available in Cluey after a user has refreshed the group list
Sensing Clues platform
Wednesday between 20:00-21:00 CET
It is possible that applications are unavailable during this time-slot. This is valid for all applications of the platform, except Cluey. Cluey is always available.
Major release
In case of a major release with a planned outage we will inform users in advance through the email address used to register the Cluey account.
In case of defects or security patches with high impact we can deviate from this schedule.