When you would like to receive more information about the distance and direction to a specific place on the map, you can use the show distance and compass functions of Cluey.

Show distance

The "show distance" function is greyed out in the observation menu. To enable it, you have to press your finger on the specific point of your interest on the map. The observation menu shows and you can choose the "Show distance" option.

On the picture below, you can see:

  • the location of the agent (blue arrow on the right)
  • the location the agent selected on the map (the blue marker on the left)
  • the dotted line, between the agent and the selected point
  • the distance (743 meter)
  • the direction (242,3 degrees)

You can remove this information from the map by clicking on the blue arrow on the rigth top.

To make it easier to move to the selected point, you can enlarge the compass in the Cluey screen.

To enable this, select the compass icon on the left (see icon in red circle in the picture below).

You can remove the compass again by clicking on the map.

Note that the compass function is always available (not just when using the "show distance feature").