1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online
  2. On your Map, click Add

3. Select the option Web service 

4. add the following URL

5. Enter your Cluey credentials

Warning: don't use your ArcGIS credentials, as you are connecting here with your Cluey data!

6. Save the m

The tiny blue circle indicates that your work is not yet saved. Before you leave the map make sure you hit the save-button to keep the results.

7. Done. Your Cluey data is now available in ArcGIS Online ! 

You can view the results under the heading Layers. The name of the layer is Default. Click the triangle before it to see the 3 map layers that have been created. 

Note that you can see all Observations, Tracks and Agents that you have access too, independent of Cluey groups or other data sources.