In Focus you can use the concept filter to limit the results on the map and in the list. The filter works based on a OR principal, which means that if you select multiple values in the filter, the result shows all items which contain one or more of these values.

By default all values in the filter are selected.

We will provide some examples below to explain in detail how the filter works.

Example 1

You want to limit the observations to the ones in which Elephants are tagged.

  • go to the filter
  • open observations
  • open fauna
  • select elephant

In the picture below, you can see that 82 observations are selected. These observations are shown on the map and in the list. You can remove this filter by deselecting the value again, or click on the "x" in the green box.





Example 2 

You want to limit the observations to the ones in which Elephants or Giraffes are tagged.

  • go to the filter
  • open observations
  • open fauna
  • select elephant
  • select giraffe

In the picture below, you can see that 82 observations are selected with Elephant and 86 with Giraffe. The selected observations are shown on the map and in the list. Note that the total amount of observations in the list is 167 and not 168 (82+86). This is because one observation contains an Elephant as well as a Giraffe.